The technology has become our best ally to produce magical moments full of fantasy and great meaning new trends in ephemeral visual art surprise. when you think you’ve seen everything, something unexpected happens.

The application of new technologies in artistic expression sometimes produces surprising results. That is the case of video mapping.

Video mapping is a technique that consists of projecting images onto real surfaces. generally inanimate to achieve motion or 30 effect, resulting in an unusual artistic show.

The most common practice in video mapping techniques is to project images on the facades of buildings and churches, mixing the visual et fects with sound effects that provide greater spectacularity and realism.

Video-projection on the field of the Metropolitan Stadium for the Opening Ceremony of the Central American and Caribbean Games. Colombia, 2018

Videomapping on the Cathedral of Santa Marta, 2016

Interactive Performance for the Launch of the Bolivarian Games in Valledupar, 2019

Videomapping for the commemoration of the 200th anniversary of the Battle of Boyacá

Videomapping for the commemoration of the 200th anniversary of the Battle of Boyacá

Videomapping on the “Plaza de Proclamación” at the Cartagena International FIlm Festival

Interactive Performance for the Launch of the Bolivarian Games in Valledupar, 2019

Closing ceremony of Bolivarian Games. Valledupar, Colombia, 2022.

Closing Ceremony of Bolivarian Games. Valledupar, Colombia, 2022.

Santa´s Factory Immersive Experience. Colombia, 2022

Wow Moment for Maluma at Papi Juancho Tour. USA & Canada, 2021

Wow Moment for Maluma at Papi Juancho Tour. USA & Canada, 2021

Video-projection on the field of the Metropolitan Stadium for the Opening Ceremony of the Central American and Caribbean Games.  Colombia, 2018

Video-Mapping in the Bicentennial of Barranquilla.

Videomapping on the “Torre del Reloj” at the Cartagena International Film Festival

Videomapping in the Bicentennial of Baranquilla

Videomapping for the commemoration of the 200th anniversary of the Battle of Boyacá

Interactive Performance for the Launch of the Bolivarian Games in Valledupar, 2019

Interactive Performance for the Launch of the Bolivarian Games in Valledupar, 2019

Videomapping in the Bicentennial of Baranquilla

Closing Ceremony of Bolivarian Games. Valledupar, Colombia, 2022.

Video-Mapping for the Celebration of the 498 years of Santa.

Santa´s Factory Immersive Experience. Colombia, 2022

Wow Moment for Maluma at Papi Juancho Tour. USA & Canada, 2021

Wow Moment for Maluma at Papi Juancho Tour. USA & Canada, 2021

  1. Video-Mapping for the Summer Festival at the Mandalay Bay Hotel & Casino Hotel. Las Vegas, 2022.